But First…
Monday, March 16, 2020
Every blog needs that first post. The one that tells you all about someone and why the heck you should actually want to read what they have to say. So here it is guys. My very first post.
Now, this isn't my first time ever writing a blog post, blogging is something I've done for my business In A Glimpse Photography for years so I’m no stranger to blogging but this is my first post in this new title for me. Here's the deal I've got a lot of "titles". I'm a trained chef, registered dietitian, professional photographer, foster mom, and hopefully now blogger.
Photo by: Tiny House Photo
Now some of you are reading this and are like thinking "ugh…another blogger…" and I feel ya. If I was reading this I would think the same thing but I'm really hoping I have something different to bring to the table. First and foremost before I had any of these other titles I've always considered myself a writer. I started journaling at a fairly young age and have continued into adulthood. The pen and paper ( or sometimes the keyboard) have been my therapy. It's where I put all my feelings. It's where I work stuff out. It's where I jot down the things and moments I don’t' want to forget. I've got a box full of old tattered journals, mostly filled with highschool woes, things that seemed big in the moment but are now totally insignificant to my life. But there are some gems in there that are totally worth the read for sure. I've always loved to write which is a good thing because I've always had a lot to say and the people in my circle can only take so much, so the pen and paper take the rest.
Second, I'm freaking passionate as hell! And not just about one thing but a ton of things and I want to share that with everyone. I'm obsessed with food, everything about it, shopping for it, growing it, cooking it, eating it, talking about it…all of it. So there will be a whole lot of that on here; about all things food and not just scroll through 20 pictures to find a recipe that doesn't work but some real-life food talk. Food isn't the only thing I’m passionate about, I'm passionate about nutrition and health and what we are actually eating and doing to our bodies. The kinds of products we use, the self-care routines we all wish we had, the nitty-gritty of how I can be a healthier person and not just pseudo healthy but actually healthy. Just a forewarning I’m a little bit of a crunchy granola kind of person/mom. I'm going to try and promise to not go off on a tangent about vaccines ( at least not yet) but promise to share why I prefer to be barefoot and how easy it is to make your own almond milk and why you shouldn't give your kids crap to eat. Next up on the list of passions is photography. Yup, I am one of those lucky people who turned their hobby into a job and it's pretty awesome. Not near as glamorous as people think but pretty cool none the less so there will be glimpses of what that life looks like too. And thanks to that talent I can guarantee that every photo on this site will be taken by yours truly (unless it’s taken by an awesome professional photog friend, like the photo above, but no stock photos for this blogger) And lastly you guys….I'm a foster mom and you can believe I’m passionate as all could be about foster care and excited about being a mom in general so I plan to share all that goodness too.
Some posts will be about a single topic and some will talk about all of these things in one. Some will be new things and some will be journal entries I've written. (This will mostly be the case with foster care as I will be sharing my foster care journey from the beginning even though we are a year in)
It's a lot, I know. I'm sure haters would say I should pick a niche and that’s WAY too many topics for one blog to cover but I'm not the kind of person who has ever cared what other people think …like pretty much ever. I'm the go against the grain, be my own person, kind of person and I’m ridiculously proud of it.
So that's it. As you follow the blog, you will learn a lot more about me because I'm not a super private person and plan to share just about everything. If there is something you would like me to chat about, let me know, totally down for that. If you've got something to say that you think fits in all this fantastic-ness and want a place to put it, get it in touch.
Be patient with me as this is new and I imagine there will be a few speed bumps in the beginning. Know that no spell check could ever fix how awful of a speller I have always been so be prepared for some grammatical errors from time to time. Be prepared to disagree sometimes because I promise things will get heated, in and out of the kitchen and I welcome it. You will probably cry sometimes, I tend to have that effect on people, but I'm hoping at the end of it you will walk away with something even if it's just how to get your kids to eat something other than chicken nuggets or how to take a cute photo of your cat.
Lastly, I ask if you resonate with something I write, chow down and love a recipe I share or try something I suggested, share the love! Leave a comment on the blog, share the link on social media. Tell your friends about me, I'm cool I promise. Oh, and don’t forget to subscribe at the bottom of the page. I promise not to overload your inbox.
PS: I want to say a big thank you to all those closest to me who have been pushing me to do this for years. I finally have the time and I'm so beyond thankful for the support.
So that’s it guys, consider yourself officially introduced to Peas & Pixels.
Wondering where to start:
If you are interested in my foster care journey start here.
Want some tasty recipes? You will find those here.
Not quite sure yet? Head here.