Mrs. F.
(For privacy reasons I won’t be sharing my full last name with you all but I actually kind of like it)
Journal Entry from October 10th, 2020
Personalized monogrammed pumpkin by Custom Craft Studio
Yup that's me. It's official I'm now Mrs. F.. Going to take some getting used to for sure but just the sound of it puts a little smirk on my face. We are two weeks post-wedding and there are so many emotions. I've heard of the post-wedding letdown and didn't think much of it. But guys, I'm here to tell you it's a real thing. I talked to my best friend this week, who just so happened to be celebrating her 8th wedding anniversary and she made a really valid point…you wait your whole life for this one moment, your wedding day, and then it's finally here and then it's over just like that and life just goes back to normal. It's a strange feeling. But also a really wonderful feeling. A sense of contentment that I've never experienced. This is it, I get 'this' life for the rest of my life. We say it often to each other that we "do life well". The day to day has always come really easy for us. Basically since day one. On our second date, we spent 24 hours together, went to the farmers market, had lunch and drinks at a brewery, leftovers for dinner, coffee on the couch, and breakfast at the table like we had done it our entire lives.
Mornings with a little one going to daycare still trip up us on the occasional day where we stay up too late and don't get enough sleep but otherwise we do life really well. We moved in together just a few months after meeting and it was honestly totally seamless. We have a system, I make dinner, he does the dishes, I sort and wash the laundry and we fold it together, we both have an equal slight obsession with order within our home. We both believe that every item has a place and every item should go back in its place as soon as possible. I can't even begin to tell you how nice that is to be sharing life with someone like that. Our house is neat. It's tidy, just the way I like it. Just the way he likes it. There are no wet towels strung about the bathroom or dirty clothes on the floor, there is rarely a dirty dish in the sink. The baby's bath toys get put away after every bath, the lunch boxes go in the same place every day. Our life is structured and organized and I love every minute. And I get it forever. This life for the rest of my life. Never thought that would be the overwhelming feeling I have just a few weeks after tying the knot but there it is. I found my best friend and I get to do life beside him for the rest of my life. That’s pretty freaking cool. Welcome to being married I guess.
I'd be amiss if I didn't mention our actual wedding in this post. It's funny to me over the years the things that have moved me to write and the things that don't. I thought I'd have a ton to put to paper the day before I said I do and a ton to say after and instead just a sense of happiness and peace that has surprisingly left me speechless. Gratitude is what my heart is yelling right now. So thankful that my life has led me here to this place with this person. It's Saturday morning and we are all packed up in the car and headed to Daytona to the BMX track for Kevin to race today. We are meeting his best friend and their family. Cooler packed for a park picnic after the race…this is my life guys!! I now have a Saturday morning with my family. It's everything I wanted and more….this life. Life as Mrs. F.. Life as a wife to an amazing fun man. Mom to an adorable little kiddo.
PS: The wedding was absolutely perfect and everything I could have possibly wished for and then some. I promise to share all the amazing details and gorgeous photos in the next few weeks. We did our day exactly how we wanted and wouldn't change a thing.