2022: My Year of Gratitude

Where did 2022 go? How is it possible that it felt like the longest and yet the shortest year all at the same time? My word for 2022 was GRATITUDE and man did last year leave me with a lot to be grateful for. On March 30th we adopted little man and while celebrating with our families shared the news that we were also expecting. On November 30th we welcomed baby Jack into our family. While there are hundreds of things from last year to reflect on with gratitude those two as well as the privilege to love and care for baby C for a full year pretty much take the cake.

Throughout the year, the word gratitude kept popping up for me in weird places, in conversations, in things I had read. There was a gentle hum all the time, right down to just a few weeks before giving birth when I was searching for a mantra for labor and saw a post that read “gratitude is a frequency in your body” BAM! That was it! Perfect for my labor in my year of gratitude.

But, while this past year held a lot of good things there were also lots of moments that I had to remind myself to find a heart of gratitude. This year humbled me in a way I desperately needed. It forced me to find peace and stillness in the uncomfortable. A skill that I will carry with me. A skill that will be very useful going into the new year now as a family of 5. Now to come up with my word for 2023


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